Home Our Insights Client Success Stories Post-merger production resumption with effective data cleansing

Post-merger production resumption with effective data cleansing

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The Challenge

  • Production shutdown by authorities: The customer faced multiple ERP systems post-merger, leading to the decision to implement SAP ERP for consolidation/integration
  • Exponential data growth: Rapid growth in data volume created management challenges
  • New SKU concept: Introduction of new SKUs without proper data cleansing
  • Lack of documentation: Lack of documentation and reliable reference points in the data
  • Production Disruptions: Multiple master data issues caused significant production disruptions

Problems to solve

  • Data cleansing issues: Data cleansing was not performed prior to loading into SAP, resulting in inaccuracies
  • Technical knowledge gap: Lack of experience and technical knowledge to perform effective data cleansing
  • Distributed business knowledge: Data problems exacerbated by distributed business knowledge
  • High volume data cleansing: Need to cleanse thousands of product SKUs to enable production

The solution

Hands-on and on-site expertise to perform robust data cleansing in the ERP system

  • On-site and off-site teams to support effective validation processes support
  • Redesigned data management and data cleansing processes
  • Established two workstreams: for manual data cleansing (quick wins) and automated validation (long-term solution)
  • Iterative approach: key to freezing scope before starting each iteration
  • Use of advanced data management tools, train client staff to strengthen data analysis and validation
  • Automated validation reports and data in a format that can be loaded into the SAP (rapid data integration)


  • Production resumed within 2 months
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturer saved from operational disruption and potential business interruption with innovative data management approach and effective data quality assurance process.
  • 70% faster data validation 90% reduction in data error rate
  • New effective RACI matrix to prevent such disruptions in the future
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