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AI Powered Internal Audit

Internal audits are crucial for the operations of most organizations, though they can often be tedious and labor-intensive. AI has the potential to transform this process by automating routine tasks and providing deeper analytical insights.

What will you learn from this webinar?

In today’s world, companies and organizations no longer need to rely solely on human effort to complete tasks—they can leverage AI. In this webinar, you will learn how to effectively utilize Artificial Intelligence in internal audits. Tools like ChatGPT-4.0 are prime examples of AI applications. However, the question remains: Should AI take full responsibility for conducting audits and related tasks, or should it serve as an additional source of insight and assistance?

The importance of internal audits

Understand why internal audits are crucial for organizational performance and integrity.

How AI can be implemented in auditing

Learn practical ways to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT-4.0 to automate routine tasks and provide deeper analytical insights.

Key considerations for internal auditors

Explore the balance between AI and human auditors, ensuring AI is used effectively without replacing the critical human element.

Types of tasks where AI excels

Identify specific areas where AI can enhance efficiency and accuracy in internal auditing processes.

In a Nutshell

Internal audits play a crucial role in shaping organizational performance, ensuring a company’s safety and integrity. While essential, these audits can often become monotonous and repetitive. This is where Artificial Intelligence can offer significant support. The key question is: Should AI be the primary driver of internal audits, or should auditors use it as a supplementary tool for insight and task automation? This topic will be the focus of Jan Ansimowicz and Sebastian Burgemajster’s upcoming webinar discussion.


Jan Anisimowicz
Former President, CEO and long-time board member of the Institute of Internal Auditors - IIA Poland
Sebastian Burgemejster
Former CEO of IIA Poland