Home Our Insights Events & Webinars ESG Reporting and Auditing with AdaptiveGRC

ESG Reporting and Auditing with AdaptiveGRC

Explore how to effectively manage and report ESG risks using the new environmental module powered by Forward Earth. This session covers the integration of environmental management capabilities, carbon footprint analysis, and the latest tools for enhancing ESG audits.

What will you learn from this webinar?

As ESG considerations become an integral part of business operations, the need for effective reporting and auditing mechanisms has never been more critical. This webinar will provide you with the tools and insights you need to navigate these complex requirements using AdaptiveGRC's advanced solutions. You will learn how to integrate ESG criteria into your internal audits to ensure not only compliance, but also strategic value. You'll also discover how advanced technologies can improve the accuracy and reliability of your ESG data, making it audit-ready and trustworthy.

The importance of ESG in internal audits

Learn how internal audits can enhance ESG efforts.

Using AdaptiveGRC’s new ESG module

Discover how to leverage AdaptiveGRC for ESG reporting.

Techniques for carbon footprint analysis

Understand methods for accurate carbon footprint calculations.

Ensuring data quality and auditability

Explore ways to ensure transparency and compliance in ESG reporting.

In a Nutshell

Watch our webinar, "ESG Reporting and Auditing with AdaptiveGRC," featuring Łukasz Krzewicki, Audit Risk & Compliance Expert at C&F, and Micha Schildmann, Founder and CEO of Forward Earth. Learn how to integrate ESG criteria into core business strategies and enhance your ESG audits with comprehensive data and advanced tools.


Łukasz Krzewicki
Audit Risk & Compliance Expert at C&F
Micha Schildmann
Former CEO of IIA Poland