Why PriceWise?

PriceWise is an end-to-end solution to manage your pricing and rebate programs that covers all their processes: client recruitment, contract management, contract tracking, and finally assistance in automatic customer payouts.

Customer recruitment

Provide your customers with simulations of rebate program participation benefits and tailored contract proposals.

Contract management

Easily accept, sign, track, access, and store your contracts within one tool.

Program management

Help your customers maximize their benefits through real-time communication and result tracking. 

Rebate management

Streamline program management with quick rebate approval, report creation, and timely rebate payments.

Advanced analytics

Get valuable insights based on customer performance, rankings, trends, and geography to make informed business decisions.

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced loyalty program effectiveness
  • Accurate rebate calculations and payout on time
  • Reduced loyalty program related workload for back-office personnel
  • No more double payment of rebates
  • Boosted sales and reduced costs
  • Instant access to AH industry business insights

Unique features:

Built on the OutSystems low-code platform: available as off-the-shelf or custom solution
Creating new calculation rules with minimum IT involvement and system change
Real time tracking of rebates and reporting to salesforce and management
Full automation of calculation and tracking performance to agreed-upon goal
Easily adaptable to various markets and business models
What-if function

In a nutshell

Improve your company’s performance with PriceWise: your solution for robust rebate management.

At the heart of successful loyalty programs, rebates play a critical role in driving both revenue and profitability. However, most standard ERPs and financial systems fall short when it comes to the complexities of rebate management. This is where PriceWise comes in.

Our comprehensive, end-to-end software streamlines every aspect of rebate management. From acquiring customers and managing contracts to tracking agreements and automating customer payouts, PriceWise does it all with ease. Experience a transformative approach to rebate programs that seamlessly integrates with your business model.

Want to see PriceWise in action? Request a demo today for an in-depth look at how our software can revolutionize your rebate management strategy.

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Advising on and leveraging technologies to create scalable solutions. On-premise and cloud.

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Plan and execute your rebates and pricing policy effectively!

Build an agile self-service solution for your sales force and managers. PriceWise addresses challenges faced by every stakeholder in the process.

See Technologies We Use

At the core of our approach is the use of market-leading technologies to build IT solutions that are cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient. See all

FAQ: Rebate Management and Contract Management Solutions

At PriceWise, we provide advanced rebate management and contract management solutions for manufacturers and producers. Our platform is designed to streamline and optimize your rebate programs and contract administration, helping you maximize profitability and strengthen customer relationships.

What is rebate management?

Rebate management refers to the process of managing and administering rebate programs offered by manufacturers and producers to their customers. At PriceWise, our rebate management solution automates calculations, tracks claims, and ensures timely payments, making rebate management a breeze.

Why do manufacturers and producers need PriceWise rebate management solutions?

Our rebate management solution offers several benefits, including accurate calculations, improved efficiency, enhanced visibility, compliance management, and increased customer satisfaction. With PriceWise, you can optimize your rebate programs and unlock their full potential.

What is contract management?

Contract management involves the creation, execution, and monitoring of contracts between manufacturers or producers and their customers, suppliers, or partners. PriceWise contract management solutions streamline the entire contract lifecycle, ensuring compliance, reducing risks, and maximizing the value of your contracts.

Why do manufacturers and producers need PriceWise contract management solutions?

Our contract management solutions centralize contract information, automate workflows, and provide visibility into obligations, deadlines, and milestones. By choosing PriceWise, you can mitigate risks, improve collaboration, achieve cost savings, and gain valuable insights into contract performance.

What are the benefits of implementing PriceWise?

Some key benefits of using PriceWise include:
  • Improved accuracy: Automated calculations reduce errors and inaccuracies in rebate calculations, ensuring accurate payouts.
  • Increased efficiency: Streamlining the rebate process saves time and resources, allowing manufacturers to focus on core business activities.
  • Enhanced visibility: Real-time reporting and analytics provide insights into rebate program performance, enabling better decision-making.
  • Compliance management: Rebate management solutions help enforce contract terms and conditions, ensuring compliance and reducing disputes.
  • Customer satisfaction: Prompt and accurate rebate payments enhance customer satisfaction and strengthen relationships.
  • Avoiding erroneous rebate payments: Until all contract formalities are completed, PriceWise helps to ensure that incorrect rebate payments are avoided.
  • Faster contract processing: Introducing electronic signatures substantially speeds up contract processing, making the entire rebate process more efficient.
  • Scalability: PriceWise is designed to handle the volume and complexity of your rebate programs or contract portfolio, no matter how large they grow.
  • Customization: PriceWise can be tailored to specific business needs and industry requirements.
  • Integration capabilities: PriceWise supports integration with other systems (e.g., ERP or CRM) ensuring seamless data exchange.
  • User-friendliness: PriceWise offers an easy to use, intuitive interface, facilitating user adoption and minimizing training requirements.
Vendor reputation and support: With PriceWise, users benefit from a reliable and responsive partnership, backed by positive customer reviews and robust support services.

Can PriceWise handle complex pricing structures and tiered incentive programs?

Yes, PriceWise rebate management solutions are designed to easily handle complex pricing structures and tiered incentive programs. Our platform accurately calculates rebates based on predefined rules and conditions, ensuring that your pricing strategies align with your business goals.

What features should I look for in PriceWise rebate management solutions?

PriceWise rebate management solutions offer all the essential features like contract tracking, claim validation, automated calculations, real-time reporting, audit trails, integration capabilities, exception handling, and configurable workflows. These features empower you to optimize your rebate processes effectively.

Can PriceWise contract management solutions assist with compliance monitoring and enforcement?

Yes, PriceWise contract management solutions provide functionality for monitoring and enforcing contract compliance. Our platform sends automated reminders, tracks performance, and triggers alerts to ensure that you stay in control of your contractual obligations.

Can PriceWise rebate management solutions handle retroactive adjustments and claims?

Yes, PriceWise rebate management solutions are equipped to handle retroactive adjustments. Our platform allows you to make changes to previously calculated rebates, ensuring accurate and fair adjustments. Additionally, PriceWise streamlines the management and processing of rebate claims submitted by customers.

How can PriceWise contract management solutions help with contract renewals?

PriceWise contract management solutions simplify contract renewals. Our platform provides notifications and alerts to track contract expiration dates, ensuring timely renewal actions. With PriceWise, you can streamline the negotiation and approval processes for renewals, ensuring seamless and efficient contract management.

Can PriceWise rebate management solutions integrate with ERP systems?

Yes, PriceWise rebate management solutions offer seamless integration with ERP systems. Our platform allows for smooth data exchange between systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring accurate and up-to-date rebate information.

Can PriceWise's rebate management solution handle complex pricing structures and tiered incentive programs?

Absolutely! PriceWise is designed to handle complex pricing structures, including tiered incentive programs based on sales volume, product categories, or other criteria. It ensures seamless and robust functionality, calculating rebates accurately based on the defined rules and conditions.

How can PriceWise help in creating long-lasting relationships with customers?

PriceWise offers strategies and tools to create long-lasting customer relationships. Our platform enables you to design and implement loyalty and discounting programs that resonate with your customers, fostering loyalty and enhancing customer satisfaction. By leveraging PriceWise, you can build strong, enduring relationships with your customers.

How can PriceWise boost profits by fine-tuning rebate policies?

PriceWise helps you optimize your rebate policies to maximize profitability. Our platform offers advanced analytics and reporting, enabling you to analyze rebate performance and make data-driven decisions. With PriceWise, you can fine-tune your rebate policies to drive sales, improve margins, and ultimately boost your profits.

Does PriceWise provide customer support and assistance?

Yes, PriceWise is committed to providing exceptional customer support. We have a dedicated support team that is ready to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. Our goal is to ensure your experience with PriceWise is smooth and successful.

Can PriceWise provide a demo or trial of its rebate and contract management solutions?

Absolutely! PriceWise offers demonstrations and trials of our rebate and contract management solutions. Contact our team through our website or by reaching out to our sales representatives, and we will be happy to arrange a demo or trial period to showcase the capabilities of our platform.

Is there a mobile application available for PriceWise?

PriceWise offers a mobile application or a mobile-responsive interface, built on Outsystems. This platform ensures a seamless experience and robust functionality, allowing users to access and manage rebate programs or contracts on-the-go from their smartphones or tablets.

Does PriceWise's contract management solution support electronic signature integration?

Yes, PriceWise offers easy integration with electronic signature platforms. This ensures a seamless experience and robust functionality, allowing users to obtain legally binding signatures electronically and streamline the contract execution process.

Are PriceWise's rebate management and contract management solutions separate or integrated?

Within PriceWise rebate management and contract management are integrated solutions. This integrated approach offers the advantage of a seamless data flow and collaboration between rebate and contract management processes. PriceWise allows companies to link rebate programs directly to relevant contracts, ensuring accurate calculations and compliance with contractual terms.

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