Home Our Insights Articles Optimizing pricing and rebates in animal health: Strategies for emerging companies

Optimizing pricing and rebates in animal health: Strategies for emerging companies

Jarosław Paradowski Business Process Expert
9 min read


The animal health sector is booming globally. Figures from Grand View Research suggest it’s set to grow at a CAGR of 9% over the next six years, and with that growth comes intense competition.

In this environment, animal health products and service providers must go the extra mile to attract and retain customers. 

Whether they’re pet owners or large-scale farmers, people in this target market are always looking for affordable and reliable ways to improve their animals’ health. Incentives like rewards, loyalty, and rebate programs play a significant role in their purchasing decisions, often driving them to choose one company over another.

Well-established businesses in the sector have the resources to develop comprehensive loyalty, rewards, and rebate programs. Competing with these global players can be challenging for startups and smaller companies. But the story doesn’t have to end there.

In this article, I’ll explore strategies for optimizing pricing and rebates, showing how even companies with limited resources can effectively compete and grow in this dynamic market.

Who can benefit from rebates? 

From boosting sales to building customer loyalty, rebates offer significant value across the animal health industry. Here’s how different players in the sector can benefit:

Pharmaceutical companies

Rebates help pharmaceutical companies encourage veterinarians and pet owners to choose their products over competitors. By offering discounts on essential medicines and treatments, they can drive sales volumes and build brand loyalty among healthcare providers and consumers.

Veterinary practices

Rebates allow veterinary practices to offer high-quality treatments and products at more affordable prices. This makes it easier for clients to care for their animals, leading to better health outcomes and higher customer satisfaction. When clients see the added value, they’re more likely to stay loyal.

Retailers and pet supply stores

Retailers can attract budget-conscious customers by offering rebates on popular pet products. This approach keeps them competitive in a crowded market, brings more customers into the store, and ultimately boosts sales.

Rebates and discounts

So, how do rebates work in the animal health industry? 

It’s pretty straightforward—they offer financial incentives to encourage actions like buying more or staying loyal. These incentives come in various forms, each with its own purpose. Here are a few examples:

  • Volume-based rebates: These are discounts given when customers buy in bulk, encouraging larger orders. It’s an excellent strategy for wholesalers, retailers, and large-scale buyers who are motivated to stock up for better pricing.
  • Performance-based rebates: These rewards are given to customers who reach certain milestones or sales targets. Pharmaceutical companies and distributors often use this approach to motivate veterinary practices or retailers to hit specific goals, boosting both performance and sales.
  • Loyalty programs: Loyalty programs reward repeat customers over time. Veterinary practices, retailers, and even pet insurance companies use these schemes to build strong, lasting relationships by offering discounts or rewards for continued business.
  • Service-based rebates: Some pet insurance providers sweeten their packages by offering rebates or discounts on services like veterinary care or grooming. This not only adds value but also helps keep customers loyal by making their services more appealing than the competition’s.

Strategies for price optimization and rebates

When creating rebate programs, it’s important to align them with your business goals, whether that’s growing your market share or promoting new products. Keeping things simple and transparent is key — if rebates are too complicated, they can end up confusing customers and losing their effectiveness. 

While most of the strategies I’ll cover in this section are broadly applicable, some might be more suited to specific areas within animal health, like offering custom farm packages. With that in mind, let’s dive into some strategies for optimizing your pricing and rebates.

Think about your pricing strategy (including rebates) from Day One

It’s not just established animal health businesses that need rebate, discount, and loyalty program policies. Startups and smaller companies should also consider these, ideally from the start. Planning your pricing strategy early on can significantly impact your growth trajectory. 

For instance, offering rebates and discounts can help you quickly grow your customer base by making your products more attractive to value-seeking customers. These early adopters can become loyal advocates, helping to accelerate word-of-mouth marketing as they share their positive experiences with others. 

A well-structured pricing and rebate strategy can also make your business more appealing to investors. It demonstrates that you have a clear plan to attract and retain customers, which boosts your chances of securing funding. By thinking ahead, you set your business up for long-term success.

Move rebate management beyond Excel

Until recently, managing rebates was often a manual process, heavily reliant on finance teams inputting data into spreadsheets. 

This came with several challenges, including inaccuracies in data entry, delays in processing, and a lack of transparency. These issues could lead to disputes with suppliers and customers, eroding trust and straining valuable business relationships. The inefficiencies and potential for human error in this system made it difficult for companies to manage their rebate programs effectively.

Fortunately, things have improved with the advent of cloud-driven solutions that streamline rebate management. These tools automate the tracking, calculation, and reporting of rebates, reducing the risk of errors and making the whole process far more efficient. They provide real-time visibility into rebate programs, which helps businesses maintain transparency and build stronger relationships with their partners.

One such tool is PriceWise, which takes rebate management to the next level. It’s an intuitive platform that not only simplifies the rebate process but also integrates it with your broader pricing strategy. PriceWise lets you manage rebates more effectively, ensuring accuracy, transparency, and trust across your business relationships. 

Built with smaller companies and startups in mind, it also offers competitive rates, which are within their budgetary reach. So, Excel is no longer the only option.

Identify high-value customers for your rebate or loyalty program

Emerging companies might not have the massive budgets that big firms do, but they can still outmaneuver them by being smarter about managing rebates. 

One key strategy is to be selective about who gets these offers. After all, not every customer needs to be included in your rebate or loyalty program.

So, how do you identify the right customers?

A good starting point is the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. This suggests that 80% of your business often comes from just 20% of your customers. 

Focus on those high-value customers who contribute the most to your bottom line. Metrics like average order value, customer lifetime value, and purchase frequency can help with this. Additionally, consider how responsive they’ve been to past discounts or promotions—this can indicate their sensitivity to price changes.

You can also dig into your CRM to review their past interactions with your team. Assessing their satisfaction and churn risk will help you determine how likely they are to stay loyal. These insights will guide you in selecting the customers who are the best fit for your rebates and loyalty offers.

Once you’ve identified and onboarded these high-value customers, it’s essential to keep a close eye on their purchases and interactions. A pricing management platform like PriceWise can be helpful here, offering advanced data analysis to help you monitor and adjust your strategies as needed.

Remember, it’s not just about boosting sales each quarter — retaining your high-value accounts for the long haul is what will truly anchor your business and drive sustained growth.

Offer disease-responsive pricing

Demand for animal vaccines and medicines often fluctuates during disease outbreaks. Disease-responsive pricing is all about adjusting your prices to reflect these changes.

Take an avian influenza outbreak, for example. In this scenario, demand for vaccines will likely spike. By temporarily adjusting prices—whether to manage supply or optimize revenue—you can ensure availability while also supporting your customers through critical times.

This approach helps you balance demand and reinforces your role as a responsive and reliable partner in the industry.

Offer farm package deals 

These are a great way to incentivize bulk purchases from large-scale operations. 

By offering discounts on bundles of essential products—like vaccines, feed, and veterinary supplies — you can encourage farms to order more at once. This will help them save money and simplify their purchasing process. 

For your business, it means larger, more consistent orders and stronger relationships with key customers.

Create loyalty programs for large-scale operations

Loyalty programs tailored for large-scale operations can encourage high-value, ongoing purchases. These are very much the dream for a growing business.

When implementing such programs, it’s crucial to focus on the quality of service. Sloppy mistakes like late rebate payments, incorrect calculations, or other errors can quickly erode trust—even well-established companies aren’t immune to these pitfalls.

To stand out, especially as an emerging business, ensure that your service goes beyond just the discount. Personalized support, fast responses, and a seamless experience can make a big difference, helping you compete with larger players while building long-term relationships with your most important clients.

Offer monitoring and health management subscriptions

Subscription-based services are an excellent way to support animals with chronic conditions or ongoing health needs. These can include regular consultations and health checks. Using wearable devices or smart collars, you might also offer continuous monitoring of animals’ vital signs and activity levels. 

By providing this kind of ongoing care, you build solid and lasting relationships with customers, keeping them engaged and loyal to your business.

Use the smaller scale of your business to your advantage

As a smaller business, you have unique advantages that can help you stand out in the animal health industry. While you have a smaller budget and can’t compete financially with bigger players on the market, your biggest advantage is the ability to give more personalized attention to each client. Managing fewer accounts means you can focus on providing exceptional service, making fewer mistakes, and truly understanding your customers’ needs. As a result, your clients can expect timely, accurately-calculated, and regular payouts – a common pain point when using enterprise solutions.

Large companies often struggle to give each client the attention they deserve, leading to frustration and overlooked needs. This is where you can shine. By offering a better, more tailored experience, you can win over clients who feel neglected by bigger players.

Smaller businesses are also more agile. You can adapt quickly to new trends and technologies, while larger companies might be slower to change. For example, big tech players in the sector might face challenges when trying to switch to more efficient rebate or pricing management platforms. As a smaller, emerging business, you can easily adopt the best tools available, giving you a competitive edge.

By leveraging these strengths, you can not only compete with larger companies but also build stronger, more loyal relationships with your clients.


In this article, we’ve explored how smaller animal health businesses can use their unique strengths to thrive in a competitive market. From offering tailored rebate and loyalty programs to providing a more personalized service, emerging companies are in a great position to deliver exceptional value. By focusing on quality and being responsive to client needs, you can build strong, lasting relationships that fuel your business’s growth.

One tool that can help you achieve this is PriceWise. This platform makes pricing and rebate management much easier, thanks to features like automated tracking, real-time analytics, and seamless integration with your broader strategy. It’s designed to reduce errors, enhance transparency, and build trust with your customers. With PriceWise, you can manage rebates more effectively, allowing you to stay competitive and strengthen your client relationships, even in a crowded market.

If you’re interested in discussing how to optimize your pricing and rebate strategies, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. I’ll be happy to explore the solutions tailored to your business’s needs.

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