Home Our Insights Client Success Stories Educational platform with non-clinical content for Vet/Vet Tech and Students

Educational platform with non-clinical content for Vet/Vet Tech and Students

1 min read

The Challenge

Global animal heath company needs a solution and approach that will allow to rebuilt platform using standardized technology and best architecture patterns.

Problems to solve

  • MVC tool with some Angular JS elements
  • Serious security leaks
  • 10% of requests ended with error
  • All support and maintenance work from database or code level
  • Architecture and code structure difficult to maintain and extend for custom build solutions and functionalities
  • Performance problems with Scholarships and Externships

The solution

Technological Approach

  • C&F Team used standardized technology stack (.NET Core, Angular 15+, MS SQL Server)
  • We leveraged market standards for UX e.g., Material Design and responsive design
  • Full flexibility and potential to integrate with marketing standards like custom Google Analytics tags, Facebook Pixel and any new emerging tracking technologies


  • Flawless process of collecting Scholarship and Externship applications
  • Lack of serious security problems
  • Platform and content management is mostly performed from admin panel
  • Flexibility with integrations
  • Mobile responsive version
  • Refurbished UX/UI design
  • Improved performance with better API architecture and caching mechanisms
  • Central management from cloud simplifying operational work
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