We helped open yet another support center for Ukrainian children

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We helped open yet another support center for Ukrainian children
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Our community supports numerous charity initiatives through the CF4GOOD program. Thanks to our financial support, the Saint Nicholas Foundation opened yet another Haven – an aid center where Ukrainian children can receive comprehensive professional help: psychological, educational, and caregiving.

The Havens are a form of long-term support that the Saint Nicholas Foundation and its partners have been providing to Ukrainian children. By the end of 2023, the Foundation will be running 33 such centers. As many as 5.5 thousand children have received support through the Foundation’s programs so far. To find out more, see Saint Nicholas Foundation’s official webpage (text in Polish).

To be more effective in supporting useful community initiatives like these, C&F set up a special grant fund in 2020, through which we help individuals and charities in need every year. Check out what we managed to achieve last year!

Thanks to Saint Nicholas’s Havens Ukrainian children can learn Polish and visit culturally and historically important places, stage their own theatrical plays and make movies, compete in sports and go to sport camps, and integrate with their Polish host families.

The personnel at Saint Nicholas Foundation are sure that building safe spaces where refugee children and adolescents can build relationships, develop their talents, pursue their passions, as well as get psychological help and a sympathetic ear, is a key area in providing effective support.